Suggestopedia'ya Yeniden Bakmak - Revisiting Suggestopedia (Secil Besler Turkoz, Abant İzzet Baysal University)
May 15, 2015 
Egitimde Paradigmatik Dönüşümler: Dinsel, Kitlesel, Esnek Eğitim Anlayışları Üzerine Felsefi Çözümlemeler - Paradigmatic Transformations in Education: The Philosophical Solutions on Religious, Massive, and Flexible Educational Approaches (Onur Remzi Kukurt, doctoral candidate at Ankara University in the field of Educational  Policy)
May 13, 2015
Creative Grammar Teaching (Vural Erkeç, teacher trainer at Gazi University)
May 5, 2015
The five receptive skills in listening in English (Mehmet Deniz Demircioğlu, instructor at Uludağ University, the School of Foreign Languages)
April 10, 2015
Çocuklara Yabancı Dil Öğretimi ve  Çocuklara İngilizce Öğretiminde Ders Malzemesi Geliştirme - Development of Course Materials for Young Learners (Eda Karaca, English teacher at Ürgüp Hanife Memiş Primary School)
April 6, 2015 - Click here for seminar photos
Eğitimdeki Neoliberal Tahribat - Neoliberal Destruction in Education (Dave Hill, Anglia Ruskin University)
April 3, 2015 - Click here for seminar photos
22nd METU British Novelists Conference: Zadie Smith and Her Work
March 26-27, 2015 
Please check the website for details.
Öğretim Görevliligi ve Araştırma Görevliligi Nedir? (Mehmet Akkuş, Gulden Taner, Fatma Gümüşok, Zeynep Aysan, Elzem Nazli, Yasemin Tezgiden)
March 13, 2015
Teaching Pronunciation (Mehmet Deniz Demircioğlu, instructor at Uludağ University, the School of Foreign Languages)
December 25, 2014
Doing Graduate Studies Abroad (Duygu Çandarlı, Ph.D student at Manchester University)
December 18, 2014
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) & Common European  Framework of Reference" (Prof. Dr. Sinan Bayraktaroğlu)
December 9, 2014 - click here for seminar photos
Ayotzinapa in Memory: Public Education and the Complex Language of Freedom and  Exclusion (Guy Senese, visiting professor at Ankara University the Department of Educational Sciences)
December 5, 2014
Citation and Plagiarism (Deniz Saydam, academic coordinator at  METU Academic Writing Center)
December 3, 2014
Working With Children with ADHD (Jamie Senese)
November 28, 2014
CV Writing and Teaching Interview Tips (Canan Uçar Duzan, academic coordinator at METU Academic Writing Center)
November 26, 2014
Eşitlikte Eğitim, Eşitsiz Eğitim - Inequality in Education (Nazlı Somel)
November 21, 2014
Milli Eğitim'de İngilizce Öğretmeni Olmak - Being an English Teacher in the Ministry of Education (Nurcan Korkmaz, English teacher in Ayaş Şehit Rıdvan Süer Anatolian High School)
November 6, 2014
Eğitimin Güncel Sorunları - Current Issues in Education (Ünal Özmen, the educator, the author and the editor-in-chief of ‘Elestirel Pedagoji Dergisi’)
October 24, 2014
Öğretmenlik Mesleğinde bir Yolculuk - A Journey in the Teaching Profession (Ece Selva Küçükoğlu, instructor at METU School of Foreign Languages, Preparatory School)
October 22, 2014

Last Updated:
11/12/2017 - 13:41