Dear all,

We are delighted to invite you all to session #25 of our event series, METU FLE ELT Talks!

In this online session on December 18th, 2024 (19:00), Dear Prof. Dr. Özkan Kırmızı of Karabük University will deliver a speech titled "Guide me replication: The status of replication in applied linguistics and bright research ideas based on the calls in the Language Teaching Journal." Through an extensive and systematic review of the leading SLA journals, this talk attempts to review replication research in SLA, touch upon its instructional value for early-career researchers, and more importantly, offer research ideas derived from the replication calls published in the Language Teaching Journal.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom and the session is limited to 100 participants.

Mark your calendars and spread the word!


Last Updated:
17/12/2024 - 16:42